
8 Druid Symbols and Their Meanings

In ancient celtic cultures, there were druids, who we can call religious leaders. There have been a lot of celtic cultures over the world like Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Breton, Cornish, and Manx. Out of them, the Welsh, Scottish, and Irish Celtics had one thing in common- druid.

There are some symbols that we connect with the druids or we can say that these symbols were an identification of being a druid. In this article, we will tell you 9 such druid symbols with their meanings.


9 Druid Symbols

1. Awen

This is a word that means “inspiration”. We can find this symbol in Breton, Welsh, and Cornish cultures. The symbol has three rays that indicate the divine rays of the god. Awen means “inspiration” and it is mainly for the poets.

2. Triskelion

This symbol has  three spirals that are drawn with the same line without lifting the pen. One circle is on the top and the other two are at the bottom of it and form a perfect symmetry. These three spirals denote the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. It also tell the connection between the land, air, and sea.

3. Druid Oak Tree

This symbol looks just like a regular oak tree that we can say as a symbol of druids. This druid symbol indicates strength, endurance, and wisdom. Oak tree is very sacred in the celtic cultures that’s why it is a symbol of the druids.

4. Celtic Knot

In this symbol you can see a circle in the center and there are three pointed ovals at the top and the bottom. So if we look it carefully, it will look like a tied knot that we also call the Celtic Knot. this knot tells that there is an interconnectivity between life and eternity and there is no end of this connection.

5. Green Man

This symbol has a face of an old man with a beard, all in shades of green. The face of the man remains surrounded by green leaves and this symbol symbolizes the spirit of nature, fertility, and that there is a proper cycle of growth and renewal.

6. Solar Cross

Here you will see a square cross and a circle that surrounds it. The circle is what we call the sun here and the four points of the cross represent 4 seasons. Altogether, this symbol tells us that there is a balance between the spiritual and physical worlds.

7. Serpent

There is a twisted serpent and it represents wisdom, healing, and the cyclical nature of life. But there are a lot of variants of this druid symbol like somewhere you will see a zigzag serpent, somewhere it is in a circle form.

8. Crescent Moon

This symbol has a Crescent Moon and it signifies goodness, intuition, and a balance of time and nature.


While we have given you a list of just 8 druid symbols, they say that there are about 12 valid druid symbols overall. Also, most of the symbols nowadays we find are modernized versions and they are not exactly how the ancient celtics created them.

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