
9 Historical Mass Disappearances: Where Did They All Go?

There have been so many instances where people in mass quantity disappeared mysteriously and the world doesn’t even know where did they all go. It’s a very interesting topic that’s why in this article we have given you a list of 9 historical mass disappearances and where did they all go.

1. Roanoke Colony (1580s)

In 1950s, there was a colony on the Roanoke Island. It was an English settlement and some supply ships were expected to reach there that got delayed. 10 years later when people visited that colony, they could not find any settler and there was a tree with a carved word “Croatoan”. Researchers think that the settlers might have gone somewhere else or might have integrated with the local tribes or native americans.



2. Lost Colony of Jamestown (1600s)

This colony faced problems because of famine and fights with the Native Americans. Most of the population wiped out because of hunger death but some survivors remained who later integrated with the Native Americans.

3. The Disappearance of the Ancestral Puebloans (1200s)

There was a community called The Ancestral Puebloans, who built cliff dwellings in the southwestern U.S. But they abandoned their settlement and moved away all of a sudden in the 13th century. The reason why they migrated is unknown and no one knows exactly where they went.

4. The Vanishing of the Sodder Children (1945)

It’s a very spine-chilling case where 5 kids went missing. People tried to find out if it was a case of kidnapping but failed. They never found the kids and the case still remains unsolved with shocking mysteries.

5. Flight MH370 (2014)

This was a Malaysian Airlines’ flight that was flying over the Indian Ocean and disappeared. About 239 people were in the flight and even after so much research, they could only find some debris. The crashed flight and dead bodies are still not found.

6. The Fate of the Franklin Expedition (1845)

Sir John Franklin was on an expedition to find the Northwest Passage in the Arctic Circle. His ship got stuck in ice. He and his ship crew froze to death but no one could find the ship and the dead bodies ever. But they discovered some wrecks of ships in 2014 and 2016 but not the bodies.

7. The Disappearance of the Mayan Civilization (900s)

This civilisation collapsed in the 9th century. The people of this civilisation abandoned their settlements in their cities including Tikal. No one knows where they went. But perhaps environmental degradation, warfare, and drought forced them to migrate.

8. The Lost Expedition of the Donner Party (1846-47)

The Donner Party was going to California but they got stuck in snow in Sierra Nevada. They were stuck so badly that they started starving and became cannibals. Out of 87 members in the party, only 48 survived.

9. The Disappearance of the HMS Victoria (1893)

This was a British warship that collided with HMS Camperdown and sank near the coast of Lebanon. More than 350 crew members died but no one could recover the bodies. They recovered the ship’s wreckage in 1997, though.


Mass disappearances keep happening and it’s always interesting to learn about them. But it is also shocking to know that so many people went missing, died, or migrated due to sad reasons.

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