
Who Is Goddess Medusa and Is She Good or Bad?

Goddess Medusa is from the Greek mythology, and is one of the gorgons. Most people who know about the Greek mythology also know about goddess medusa, who looks like a monster and has snakes in place of hair.

In this article, we are going to tell about about this goddess medusa and whether she is good or bad.

Why Does A Goddess Look Like A Monster?

A lot of people ask that if medusa is a goddess, then why does she look like a monster? Why does she not look like a beautiful girl or an angel.

In reality, Medusa was actually a very beautiful or we can say a woman or a maiden. But she got cursed and became a monster.


Why Was Medusa Cursed?

Medusa is a goddess who had sex with Poseidon in Athena’s temple. Both of them had a wonderful sex in the temple but forgot that they had violated the temple’s spirituality. So Athena got angry and cursed Medusa but not Poseidon.

Because of that curse, Medusa turned into a monster. Athena was angry because not only Medusa had sex with Poseidon in her temple, but she also enjoyed each and every moment of being knocked up.

How Does Medusa Look After The Curse?

  1. Hair: Medusa originally had very long and sexy hair that flowed very beautifully and every man would find them really sexy and attractive. Instead of those sexy long locks, her hair turned into snakes.
  2. Face: Her face turned into a fearful monster. Her facial expressions turned horrific and her teeth became sharp, like a monster.
  3. Eyes: Medusa’s eyes became cursed and anyone who looked directly into her eyes turned into the stone. That’s what the stories say.
  4. Body: Earlier, Medusa had a very sexy body that is why Posiedon had sex with her. But after the curse, her body became like a monster and anyone who saw her body got fear and chills down their spines.

Is Medusa Dead?

Yes, in the Greek mythology, Perseus killed Medusa as a part of the challenge that he got from the King Polydectes.

Actually Medusa was not supposed to be killed. Instead, she died as a part of collateral damage. Actually Polydectes believed that Perseus was a threat to him and he wanted to get rid of him. So King Polydectes thought that if he gave a task of killing Medusa to Perseus, then Medusa’s eyesight would turn him into a stone and that way Polydectes can get rid of Perseus.

But Perseus tricked Medusa. He used a reflective shield to see Medusa and avoided seeing her directly. He not only avoided seeing her directly but also defeated her and beheaded her.


So, is Medusa good or bad? We think that Medusa was actually innocent and everything happened to her that she never deserved. In reality, Poseidon assaulted Medusa and had sex with her by force. She never allowed Poseidon to have sex with her on her consent. Then, even though she was raped, she was the one who got cursed instead of Poseidon. Later, she was never a part of Perseus’ challenge and she was one innocent goddess who got killed for no reason. So she is good and she was cursed incorrectly even though it was not her fault.

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