
Who Is the Horus God and What Is His Significance?

Horus is a very powerful, interesting, and important god in the Egyptian mythology. In this article, we will take a deeper look into the god Horus and his significance along with his importance in the Egyptian mythology.

Who Is Horus God?

In ancient Egyptian mythology, people think that Horus is a god and they link him with sky, kingship, and protection. Egyptians thought that Horus looks like a falcon and sometimes they think that Horus has a human figure with a falcon head.


What Does Horus Signify?

According to ancient Egyptians, their god horus signifies these traits:

1. God of the sky

Horus is the god of the sky and has two eyes. His one eye represents the sun and the other represents moon. Since sun and moon are the two heavenly bodies that see everything happening on Earth, the Egyptians believe that Horus is one god that sees everything because his eyes are sun and moon. Whatever good or bad things we do on earth, Horus sees them clearly.

2. Kingship

The egyptians used to think that the pharaohs were the living versions of the god horus and that’s why they connect horus with the pharaohs.

3. Mythology

Horus has a very special place in the ancient Egyptian mythology. They think that the god horus is the son of Isis and Osiris. His dad Osiris was murdered by his uncle Set. when Horus learned about his dad’s murder by his uncle Set, he fought a series of battles against his uncle and defeated him to become king.

Eye Of Horus- Very Powerful Symbol

Since god horus fought against injustice, people of ancient Egypt used the eye of horus as a symbol to get his divine protection against the evil. Since Set was evil and horus not only fought him but also defeated him, ancient Egyptians believe that wearing the “eye of horus” will give them horus god’s divine protection. They believe that this symbol can ward off any evil forces and evil spirits.

Cult Center

Horus is a god who has a few cult centers in Egypt. But the largest and the primary cult center was in Edfu. In that structure, there is a temple of god horus, which is still erect as of 2024. They have managed to preserve this ancient temple even today.

Horus Has A Role In Our Afterlife

The ancient egyptians believe that once a person dies, the god horus protects their soul and accompany them to their next afterlife. While the souls are on their way to the next afterlife, god horus protects them throughout their journey.


Horus is a divine god and there are many other cultures and mythologies that have gods whose functions are very similar to god horus. So we can say that the god horus is also known by many other names in other mythologies and none of them are fake or wrong. Every culture is true. It’s just that they call Horus by different names in different languages, beliefs, mythologies, and cultures.

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